Fantia(最速 )https://fantia.jp/posts/1679345
Ci-en https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/15920/article/770695
Booth(最新作のみ) https://nouskjp.booth.pm/items/4438567
Fanza(日本のみ) https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_257007/
DLsite https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01013070.html
メロンブックス https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1812173
Only free distribution https://nouskjp.gumroad.com
サイトでもPDFは配布しておりますが、PCに詳しく無い素人の個人サイトです。サポートが必要な場合はfantia等支援サイトや委託先でのDLを強くお勧めします。I also distribute PDFs on this site, but it is a site run by amateurs. If you need support, we strongly recommend that you use a support site such as fantia or a DL at a consignment site.
“【スカルガふた百合】C101無配・ReginaMundi準備号4” をダウンロード rg4j72.pdf – 68 回のダウンロード – 24.68 MB●無料配布本について ReginaMundi準備号vol.4 B5 48頁
スカルガールズ パラソール×ナンシー女王(パラ母)前提パラソール×ヴァレンタイン(パラヴァレ)・漫画冒頭13頁(パラヴァレ)・予告漫画4頁(パラ母)・ゲスト作品サンプル12名/18頁・web作品、イラスト等再録
●完成版頒布イベント 22/05/04 ふたけっと30(委託参加)
22/05/13 洋ゲーフェス2023(webオンリー)
●参加サークル名 濃縮還元帝国!
ReginaMundi Preview Version 4 B5/90pages PDF&jpeg
I was busy with my day job until the end of December and could not draw manga. I was able to review my creative work and am now able to draw manga again. The manga is scheduled to be completed in May 2023.
links https://lit.link/nouskjp
This doujinshi will be distributed free of charge at Comic Market 101. The manga is scheduled to be completed in May 2023.The release of the English translation may be delayed due to translation work. The doujinshi is only available in Japanese. However, the webcomic version will also be available in English. To prevent problems, guest works are watermarked. You, however, can read all pages for free if they are watermarked. Only those who like it can purchase the paid version when it is completed. ⚠I translate using DeepL. I do not understand everyday speech or slang.
⚠About e-hentai submissions(C101)[noushuku kangen teikoku(s yoshida nouskjp)] Regina Mundi preview version 4[Skullgirls]
This is my own contribution. I don’t like it when other people repost my fanzines without my permission, so if you like my work, please follow me on pixiv, fantia, or ci-en. This is my obsession as a coterie artist. I want to decide where I post my work. If you like my work, please follow me on pixiv, fantia, and ci-en. I value the readers who follow me on pixiv etc. more than the readers who see my work on e-hentai.
【スカルガふた百合】ReginaMundiゲスト様一覧 /List of artists participating in Skullgirls Doujinshi

●カラーイラストcolor illustration
沈没 殿Chinbotsu https://twitter.com/enmachinbotsu
N.O-茶々丸 殿 N.O-chachamaru https://twitter.com/odoryer
毒薔薇 殿 Doku-Bara https://twitter.com/Rosie_Rosie
差詰そうたろう殿 Soutaro_Sasizume https://twitter.com/sasizume_S
zp 殿 https://twitter.com/skftpf2021
コンチャス 殿 conchas https://twitter.com/conchas6
●モノクロイラストor漫画 Manga or monochrome illustration
白夜ゆう 殿 You Byakuya https://twitter.com/oigetsudou
村田智英 殿 Murata Tomohide https://www.pixiv.net/users/3531
猫岡寺シコル 殿 sikorunekookaji https://twitter.com/sikorunekookaji
蒼海拓海 殿 AokaTakumi https://twitter.com/aokatakumi
ダイ 殿 https://twitter.com/dai0
●小説/ツヅラカヅサ 殿 Tsuzurakazusa (SNS無しのため挿し絵担当夜紫蛇
海外掲示板への投稿について Posting on International Bulletin Boards
The account name nouskjp that is posting my work on an international forum is me. She is not an imposter of me. I also actively use message boards, which many Japanese doujin artists dislike because of unwanted reposts. The fair use culture overseas is one that I do not understand, as many Japanese authors do. I do not like for others to repost my work. Because I want to choose where to post my work by myself. That is why I post my work on foreign forums and boards of my own volition.
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